A long time ago, I bought a little diamond- or tungsten carbide-tipped electric vibrating tool which I often use to mark tools and bike steerers. Not the greatest, but will last until someone files it off. I don't think it goes deep enough to be a good stress riser, but could be wrong. harvey sachs mcLean va
Chas Andrews wrote:
Someone, I forget who, suggested inserting an identifying label in the bb or on the steerer tube to mark a bike as yours. Seemed like a great idea. I dunno why I never thought of it, but I'm going to start doing it, maybe in both places.
Question: is there any thin material I could use as a label stock that would be next to impossible to remove that would be good for the steerer?
Or does anyone have any other good ideas of a discreet, reversible marking that is not *easily* reversible?
Charles "paranoid" Andrews