[CR]CR ride in central jersey sept 17th

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 21:59:28 -0400
From: "gabriel l romeu" <romeug@comcast.net>
To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org, Rita Romeu <romeur@comcast.net>
Subject: [CR]CR ride in central jersey sept 17th

I rode the route today on my fixed slightly later than topic Bianchi Pista (but lugged and made in Italy) to check the suitability of accommodating a lot of bicycle setups. Almost a perfect (and most beautiful) 25 miles with multiple options to bail, and, on the other hand, increase a few miles. I added an extra 10 then, 15 more when Rita came home and wanted to try her first ON TOPIC bike, a *Ron Cooper touring frame I spent the last couple of days piecing together. The first build of her 4 OT frames...

SO, this is a reminder that we will be hosting a CR ride Sunday the 17th

starting at 11:00 am for ±25 miles with food. We are ready for you at

10:00, so please come early and get settled. I am not that familiar with daytime food so Rita is taking care of that. I am CC:ing this to her, if you have any dietary restrictions, email. There is a pool, and a generally comfortable environment (bikes in the living room), and sig-others-non-riders are also welcome.

as in the previous email, we can figure out public transport, let me know off list what your needs.

we have a perfect size crowd now, let me know if any more of you can make it more perfect...

it is rolling countryside, it was fine for me on a fixed- a somewhat average rider. If you are considering fixed, I run a 73.8 gear inch (48-17) and only had to back pressure on one downhill, rest I can spin out. I don't suspect it is holiday aberration, but there was very little traffic on this route And we never drop anyone... I have a couple of OT (and a couple off topic) larger framed bicycles available if anyone wants to ride them.

*You coming to this event will smile when they see the Cooper, especially if they had seen Rita's very off topic carbo-alumin-iber other bike. I am looking for a mid seventies bigger than NR range rear deraillieur (nicer than the suntour honor on there now), campy top tube cable guides (though I am waiting to replace the zip ties with some Shimano in the mail) if anyone has them. A picture is available if anyone is interested in a look.

c ya, gabriel

gabriel l romeu
chesterfield, nj USA
where Waln intersects Ellisdale- http://tinyurl.com/m76sk
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