Re: [CR]dating a de rosa pista

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 09:37:14 -0700
From: "Tam Pham" <>
To: "sasha eysymontt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]dating a de rosa pista
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
cc: Classic Rendezvous <>

Hi Sasha,

That sounds a lot like my De Rosa Pista that I figure to be early eighties from past discussion on the list. I've got some photos of the stripped frame here:

Unfortunately I forgot to photograph the fork at the time, but it's a full chrome fork with De Rosa on the dropouts.

I'd be interested to here similarities/differences between our bikes. BTW, do you think the seller might want to trade his '70s Pog for a Masi-Carlsbad Pista? I could use a Pog in the collection. :-)

Cheers, Tam Pham Huntington Beach, CA - USA

On 9/5/06, sasha eysymontt <> wrote:
> I had the fortune this past weekend to pick up an absolutely immaculate Alfa
> Romeo Red with white panels "early 1980s" 58cm De Rosa Pista from a local
> here in NYC. Apparently the bike was built for the Alfa Romeo/De Rosa team
> that raced out of the NYC area in the late 1970s/early 1980s, and this bike
> went to one of the team managers, who has then stored it for the last 20+
> years. There's only 2-3 scratches on the frame, and it's got a full Record
> Pista group (including the less-often-seen low-flange Record Pista hubs,
> tied and soldered to Ambrosio rims) and pantographed Cinelli/De Rosa stem
> and Cinelli bars. Basically unridden, with the original Clement tires still
> on the bike.
> I've been trying to dig around online to figure out what year this bike may
> actually have been built, but I'm a bit stymied. The frame does /not/ have
> any cutouts on the lugs -- only the De Rosa pantographing on the seatstay
> caps, and the fully chromed fork has no pantographing on the crown either.
> The only serial on the bottom bracket is "71". The head tube badge shows
> the nested hearts over a world-champion striped diamond, but no "D" inside
> the heart. Tubing sticker is "Tubi Rinforzati Garantiti - Acciaiao
> Speciale" Columbus.
> Any ideas?
> I've only got one photo of the bike thus far --
> -- but I will be taking
> further detailed photographs as soon as the weather brightens up here a bit
> in the city.
> The seller was clearly unhappy to part with the bike, but it just wasn't his
> size. He's got an "early 70s" Pogliaghi that's only been ridden on a
> trainer in the parlor as well!
> sasha "forza italia" eysymontt, nyc.
> ---
> ,+'^'+ sasha eysymontt
> sashae at gmail dot com -
> `+,.,+` new york city.