Re: [CR] Re: San Diego Vintage Ride (video)

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 10:42:04 -0700
From: "Tam Pham" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Re: San Diego Vintage Ride (video)

I assembled a 2 minute video of the event, and it can be viewed via your browser at:

or alternatively you should be able to save a copy of the 9MB file from:

Normally I have a nice bulletcam setup that I use, but unfortunately I didn't have time to get my act together so what you'll see is some of the footage is really shakey as it's from my hand-held digital camera. It's REALLY hard to keep the camera steady while you're riding one handed on track bars and are trying to catch up to a tandem! ;-)

If there's enough request I can re-encode the video to a format more friendly for viewing on Macs.

Cheers, Tam Pham Huntington Beach, CA - USA

On 9/10/06, <> wrote:
> The Track day was a BLAST!! About a dozen hearty souls
> ventured to the SD Velodrome for some laps and exciting
> motorpacing. It was a brilliant sunny day and the track
> was clear with just another few riders and a camera crew
> shooting a website project. I brought an Atala c. 1971 and
> a red Raleigh Pro- even used an early Campy Disc Wheel.
> Baylis brought out a Colnago and a Monster Geared Cinelli,
> Charles Andrews had a Colnago and a Pogliaghi Track tandem,
> Tam brought a Masi, John Waner with a 3 Rensho and there were
> a few more that can be seen in Tam's pics....all very cool
> and we all had fun went off without a hitch and
> we went back to Sterlings Home for a BBQ. That was the best
> yet and we ate/drank/told tall tales and short well into the
> late afternoon. It was GOOD mostly clean fun!!
> The Saturday Trackies-
> Joe Bell
> Brian Baylis
> Jim Odgen
> Carlos Martel
> Sterling Peters
> Tam Phan
> Matt Gorski
> Charles and Carmen
> John Warner
> "Dr. Neon Dion"
> There may have been 1 or 2 others?!?
> Paulie and Al Davis (After Ride)
> John Jorgensen and son Kyle (Track)
> Matt "riding a Rene Herse this morning" Gorski
> Belmont Shore, CA
> >From: Tam Pham <>
> >Date: 2006/09/10 Sun AM 07:32:49 CDT
> >To: Jim Gilchrist <>
> >Cc:
> >Subject: Re: [CR]San Diego Vintage Ride
> >The ride was a great opportunity to ride your vintage track iron in a
> >somewhat controlled environment and I had a blast. Kudos to Sterling
> >for hosting and all those attending for making it such a nice
> get-together
> .
> >
> >Unfortunately I was spending more time just enjoying myself rather than
> >photographing so there were only a few photos in my camera but I've got
> th
> em
> >uploaded at:
> >
> >
> >
> >Being a track-bike junkie, I really look forward to the next of these
> >events!
> >
> >Cheers from Huntington Beach, CA - USA
> >
> >Tam Pham
> >
> >
> >
> >On 9/9/06, Jim Gilchrist <> wrote:
> >>
> >> As I live 2700 kms away I was unable to come to this event and see
> >> all the great bikes.
> >>
> >> As a "next best" I sent a friend who lives a few minutes from Balboa
> >> Park to jump on his vintage Merckx and pedal over there with camera
> >> in tow.
> >>
> >> I look forward to seeing the pictures!!
> >>
> >> Jim Gilchrist
> >> Kelowna, BC