RE: [CR] Gum hood status

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

From: "Robert D. Dayton,Jr." <>
To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR] Gum hood status
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 17:51:19 -0400
In-reply-to: <>
Thread-index: AcbbMKpgd9StnXa/R3GHCUrvUhJFxgAOr3aA

I'll pass this on. I recently split a gum hood putting new wrap on a bar. After drying my tears, I remembered a glue I used to mount tires on gas powered RC cars. It's called Bead Lock and can be purchased online at Tower Hobbies. It worked great and almost made the split invisible. So the hoods aren't perfect but the bike still rides right.

Rob Dayton Charlotte,NC USA

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:42 AM To:; Subject: Re: [CR] Gum hood status

<< My takeaway is that:

1)Campy won't reissue the gum hoods and won't license anyone else to make them with the World logo and Campy designations.

2)The only close replacement currently is the Dia Compe. Is that correct?

3)I'd have to assume that multiple had tried making reproductions as it's not that difficult with a mold. Are there other choices?

Now that Branford Bike has burned down, is Euro-Asia the only source for parts? I took a look at their site and there don't appear to be any pictures, prices or much else which makes me a bit nervous. >>


1.) Yes, Campagnolo no longer makes any hoods to fit GS/NR/SR. (Shield versions are out of production too)

2.) No current DiaCompe hood is a good fit on Campagnolo GS/NR/SR. Really, most of the old ones didn't fit properly either.

3.) EuroAsia is wholesale to dealers only. Your local bike shop can order from them. They are the only current legal manufacturer of a gum hood that properly fits Campagnolo GS/NR/SR. There ARE several out-of-production models still in the pipeline that fit well, most noteably the Modolo, that many of us still have for sale....

Dale Brown cycles de ORO, Inc. 1410 Mill Street Greensboro, North Carolina 27408 USA 336-274-5959 Giant, Specialized, Orbea, Felt, Landshark, Pinarello, Colnago, Townie and other exotica. National Bicycle Dealers Association Board member

-----Original Message----- From: To: Sent: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:11 AM Subject: [CR]Gum hood status

I read through the archives about this first and realized it's still an issue.

My takeaway is that:

1)Campy won't reissue the gum hoods and won't license anyone else to make them with the World logo and Campy designations.

2)The only close replacement currently is the Dia Compe. Is that correct?

3)I'd have to assume that multiple had tried making reproductions as it's not that difficult with a mold. Are there other choices?

Now that Branford Bike has burned down, is Euro-Asia the only source for parts? I took a look at their site and there don't appear to be any pictures, prices or much else which makes me a bit nervous.

Gary Watts Vancouver, Washington _______________________________________________

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