Re: [CR] Was: Gum hood status -- now: Bead Lock

(Example: Bike Shops:R.E.W. Reynolds)

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 18:16:21 -0400
From: "David G. White" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Was: Gum hood status -- now: Bead Lock
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Hi Rob,

I googled Tower Hobbies, found their site and searched for "Bead Lock" and came up with no such product. Can you provide a link? I've got some split Campy hoods on which I'd like to try it.

Has anyone else tried a similar product with which they've been reasonably happy?



David G. White Burlington, VT

Robert D. Dayton,Jr. wrote:
>I'll pass this on.
>I recently split a gum hood putting new wrap on a bar.
>After drying my tears, I remembered a glue I used to mount tires on gas
>powered RC cars. It's called Bead Lock and can be purchased online at Tower
>It worked great and almost made the split invisible. So the hoods aren't
>perfect but the bike still rides right.
>Rob Dayton
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of
>Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:42 AM
>Subject: Re: [CR] Gum hood status
><< My takeaway is that:
> 1)Campy won't reissue the gum hoods and won't license anyone
>else to make them with the World logo and Campy designations.
> 2)The only close replacement currently is the Dia Compe. Is
>that correct?
> 3)I'd have to assume that multiple had tried making
>reproductions as it's not that difficult with a mold. Are there other
>Now that Branford Bike has burned down, is Euro-Asia the only source for
>parts? I took a look at their site and there don't appear to be any
>pictures, prices or much else which makes me a bit nervous. >>
>1.) Yes, Campagnolo no longer makes any hoods to fit GS/NR/SR. (Shield
>versions are out of production too)
>2.) No current DiaCompe hood is a good fit on Campagnolo GS/NR/SR.
>Really, most of the old ones didn't fit properly either.
>3.) EuroAsia is wholesale to dealers only. Your local bike shop can
>order from them. They are the only current legal manufacturer of a gum
>hood that properly fits Campagnolo GS/NR/SR. There ARE several
>out-of-production models still in the pipeline that fit well, most
>noteably the Modolo, that many of us still have for sale....
>Dale Brown
>cycles de ORO, Inc.
>1410 Mill Street
>Greensboro, North Carolina 27408 USA
>Giant, Specialized, Orbea, Felt, Landshark, Pinarello, Colnago, Townie
>and other exotica.
>National Bicycle Dealers Association Board member
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:11 AM
>Subject: [CR]Gum hood status
> I read through the archives about this first and realized it's still
>My takeaway is that:
> 1)Campy won't reissue the gum hoods and won't license anyone
>else to make them with the World logo and Campy designations.
> 2)The only close replacement currently is the Dia Compe. Is
>that correct?
> 3)I'd have to assume that multiple had tried making
>reproductions as it's not that difficult with a mold. Are there other
>Now that Branford Bike has burned down, is Euro-Asia the only source for
>parts? I took a look at their site and there don't appear to be any
>pictures, prices or much else which makes me a bit nervous.
>Gary Watts
>Vancouver, Washington
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