[CR]Appearances (was: VBQ to become Bicycle Quarterly)

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:29:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Tom Dalton" <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Appearances (was: VBQ to become Bicycle Quarterly)

I read with some confusion the recent contribution by Ted Baer regarding all that is wrong with things modern. Ted seems to have a clear memory of Dorthy Hamill’s wedge haircut that attracted so much attention in the 1976 Winter Games. He remembers fondly riding his bike in cutoffs and a tee-shirt promoting a blockbuster from the summer of 1975. Now, unless Ted was younger than 10 years old that summer, or was pushing 30, either of which is an odd proposition, he is himself a Baby Boomer. For whatever reason, Ted holds his own generation in contempt, and based on his sign-off he associates himself with the younger Generation X. It may be that Ted is, in fact, a member of Gen-X, and that he had his best rides during the summer of his eleventh year, or perhaps he bought the Jaws tee after it had become a vintage item. More likely Ted doesn’t realize that it’s 2006 and the youngest Baby Boomers will be turning 42 this year. I think, and this is just a guess, that Ted was pointing at these Darth Vader (1977!) helmeted riders and saying, in effect, “you whippersnappers with your fancy hats have it all wrong.” Going out on a limb, I’ll speculate that this list is made up almost entirely of Boomers, but I doubt most of you will agree with Ted’s dislike for modern helmets.

This brings me to the follow-on points made by Rob Dayton and Gabriel Romeu. I largely agree with what both of these guys had to say, but I want to look at where the two apparently unrelated ideas that Rob and Gabriel set forth actually merge, at least in my mind. Rob said that he like riding with riders from the “old school.” Reading his specifics, I think Rob is saying that he prefers to ride with experienced, skilled cyclists. Gabriel points out how easily many of us pass judgment on others based on appearances. Gabriel was speaking generally, I think, but I also think the specific case of Ted’s judgment of those women was the subject at hand. Broadening this notion to how we, or at least I, perceive other riders, I have to confess that I do judge riders on their appearance all the time. Certainly, I try not to judge them as people, but I have no problem judging them as riders. Basically, I want to know who falls into that group that Rob praises. Does this mean that I automatically hold in contempt any rider who uses a modern helmet, wears sunglasses, or who uses actual cycling shoes? Of course not. And I certainly don’t care whether some woman chooses to cut short her hair. As for Campy water bottles, those are now 20 year old bottles, so that would get my attention. But, the bottles aren’t my point. I can see from a hundred yards whether a rider has good position or technique. Whether he wears wool of Lycra, I can tell when a rider knows how to dress for the weather. He may eat bananas, but is more likely to eat a Power Bar (because they make sense!), but if he knows enough to eat throughout the ride, and can do it without falling to the pavement, he’s probably my kind of rider. Frankly, the rider could be nowhere in my sight and I could look at his bike and tell you if he knows up from down. It has nothing to do with the vintage of what he uses. It has little to do with specific equipment choices. It has a lot to do with the position of the seat, bars, stem, and levers, and even how the bars are taped. It’s whether he has what he needs to fix a flat, all tucked neatly away. There are lots of young guys who have been riding for just a few years who know what’s what. They can ride well in a pace line, and drop by fat butt without breaking a sweat. They use the latest gear because that’s all they’ve ever known, and because it works much better than our beloved Super Record. There are older guys who have been riding forever who have simply kept with the times, and therefore use newest stuff too, they may be a little slower, but that doesn’t take away from their class as riders. And yes, there are other experienced, skilled guys who happen to dig the old stuff, and use it because it’s fun and it works for them. Then there are all the other riders who are just a menace to the ride. They come in all varieties and wear everything from the latest Assos clothing to cutoffs, sneakers and tee shirts. So, if you are going to judge a rider by appearance, you need to exert a more discerning eye, and not just reject all that is new.

Tom Dalton

Bethlehem, PA, USA

Ted’s Rant:
> I was just downtown sitting outside eating a tub of
> chocolate mousse frozen yogurt from a little place
> next to Palo Alto Bicycles. Two snotty Baby Boomer
> Generation women donning Darth Vader-esque helmets
> (which when removed revealed Dorothy Hammill crops)
> pulled up on their bicycles. They had modern day
> (2006?) Merckx bicycles, wrap-around sun-glasses, the
> Campagnolo aero water bottles (the ones that look like
> telephones,) as well as all of the other poser bicycle
> gear. When they dismounted, they sounded like a
> couple of horses clomping about the sidewalk.
> Point is: There is a major difference between the
> vintage rider and the chartreuse green-clad, power bar
> eating people on plastic bikes--the vintage rider was
> "the real deal." I use to ride in my cut off jeans
> and my old raggedy T-shirt with the big iron-on of
> "JAWS" (the shark from the movie) on the back. I
> always kept it un-tucked so when I went down hills it
> filled up with air!

Rob’s posting (abbreviated)

BUT whatever bike I'm on I always prefer to ride with "old school"

riders. The ones that know the combined effort of a pace line is faster when you stay consistent and together. The ones that know the difference between a training ride and a race. The ones that aren't threatened if somebody's a little stronger on a given day. The ones that are willing to drop back and spin to sheppard a struggling rider home. The ones that take the time to explain position, technique and etiquette. These are the riders I want to spend the day with.

Rob Dayton

Charlotte, NC

Gabriel’s contribution:

It is amazing to me on how much some people ascertain by the way others

look, and how important it is to them on how they also are regarded by

others with their attire. I guess it is the perpetual problem of the

inadequacy and inaccuracy of stereotype.

In the furniture world, there is so much that happens under the veneer

that it is usually worth the effort of looking beyond...

gabriel l romeu

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