Re: [CR]Bike buying guide.

(Example: Events)

In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Bike buying guide.
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 03:41:46 +0000

My mother decided to do the same.

I decided the best way was to keep it simple.

I told her I would take any drop bar road bike that didn’t have “suicide” brake levers, and showed her what I meant.

I think this is an excellent yardstick to use without going into the complexities of tubing/components/brands/wheel etc.

There is nothing I want that has those and nothing I can’t keep/sell/part that doesn’t.

For the most part, any bike she would most likely see would be <$50.00 at these sales

If she saw something more expensive, I am sure I would get a call asking me if a “Colnago” is “good” because it has the OK brake levers, but they want $150.00.

I have yet to receive that call.

However, she has already picked up a Bianchi Premio for me. Not the best, but hey it was $5! (She talked them down from $10-way to go mom!) I cleaned it up, and at 48cm, I’ll put in the attic of my garage for my boy to grow into.

JD Hawthorne Hampton VA USA

>From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
>To: Thomas Adams <>,Eric Phillips
>Subject: Re: [CR]Bike buying guide.
>Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:15:43 -0700 (PDT)
>Pretty good guideline, but there are exceptions. My early 70's Gitane Tour
>de France (actually one of two I own) has forged dropouts but no integrated
>RD hanger, nor any indication that one was cut off. Others have reported
>seeing these same DO's. Evidently Simplex and perhaps Gitane's own
>"honeycomb" DO's were available with or without the hanger for several
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos, Big Spring, Republic of Texas
>Thomas Adams <> wrote:
> My quick check for respectable quality is whether the bike has a forged
>drop out with a derailleur hanger as opposed to a claw hanger. Of course
>this only works for bikes newer than 1951 or so, when Campy and/or Simplex
>introduced the integral hanger drop outs. Any bike where the maker went to
>the trouble of using a forged drop out with a hanger is one of their better
>Tom Adams, Shrewsbury New Jersey, USA, on the Atlantic Ocean, 40 miles
>south of NYC, near Sandy Hook.
>Eric Phillips wrote:
>My mother-in-law has decided to help me by looking for bikes when she's out
>and about doing her resale and flea market shopping. She's got good
>intentions, but knows nothing about bikes, so I'm trying to put together a
>quick and easy summary of what to look for. Let me know any suggestions for
>the list.
>Any bike with the following:
>- Campagnolo on any of the parts
>- Stickers stating metal is made by Columbus or Reynolds
>- Presta valve (tall and skinny) on the tube instead of Schraeder (like a
>car tire)
>- Brand is someone's full name
>- Cro-Moly, Chromium Molybdenum, Cr-Mo, etc. stickers
>- Schwinn if it's cheap and lightweight (I have a soft spot for Schwinn)
>- Does not have brake assist levers (suicide levers)
>Brands to avoid:
>- Huffy
>- Kent
>- Mongoose
>- Murray
>- Next
>- Roadmaster
>- Triax
>- Pacific
>- Free Spirit
>- Sears
>I'm not expecting much to come out of this, but you never know. She might
>be able to get a couple of things worth keeping. The goal is just to find
>something decent worth fixing up. Thanks!
>Eric Phillips
>Southfield, Michigan, USA
>Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates
>starting at 1¢/min.