Re: [CR]Appearances

(Example: Events:BVVW)

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References: <013501c6dc3e$fa025de0$d148ff44@ts>
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Appearances
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:40:26 -0700
To: CR CR <>

John Thompson wrote:
> Tom Sanders wrote:
>> Am I hearing this correctly that there are folks here who make
>> judgments
>> about other cyclists because they are not wearing clothes that the
>> critics
>> find to be not matching their own tastes?
>> I ride in what I consider comfortable...I do try just for fun to
>> wear a Masi
>> jersey if riding a Masi or a Sachs jersey on a Sachs bike and so
>> on, but
>> this is just a personal choice that reflects my own goofy
>> preferences...I
>> eschew fluorescent and gaudy but then I also eschew it in my non-
>> riding
>> clothes.
> I personally like showing up on my old beat-to-crap 1972 Atala fixed
> gear wearing generic shorts and a plain T-shirt, and then keep up with
> the hot dogs on their shiny new bikes and togs.
> John Thompson
> Appleton WI USA

My best friend in High School was a nationally ranked distance runner (top 15 in the nation for High School students) and introduced me to bike riding as an adult. He would do The Death Ride in Santa Monica, California (training race that goes up Pacific Coast Highway) wearing cut off Levi's, a really old t-shirt and Dietto cycling shoes with long white basketball socks. The look he achieved ranked somewhat below a "Fred" but above a "Dishwasher riding to work."

I never understood it.

Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, Southern California
United States of America (reprints, t-shirts & timelines)