Re:Francais SVP Re: [CR] Help date a Gitane Track frame?

(Example: Bike Shops)

Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 14:52:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rafael Rednor" <>
Subject: Re:Francais SVP Re: [CR] Help date a Gitane Track frame?
In-Reply-To: <>

     If you're going to create a Web site like, you better bone up on your French. :-D Here's the URL of a reasonable translation program: But even allowing for the occasional false cognate, doesn't Service Course look a lot like Racing Service? "Road Race" would have to be be something like Course du Route or Course de Route.
     Laissez les Bon Ton Roulez,
     Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)

--- sandranian wrote:

> Perhaps we could get help on that...because that isn't what I
> understood it to mean, as Gitane put "Service Course" on even
> their lower end bikes (the Interclub, for example). I also
> thought that this was discussed earlier, and that it meant
> road race, but I could be wrong, after all: I speak no
> French...only speak a little German, and struggle with my
> English!
> Stephan Andranian
> Costa Mesa, CA
> Gilbert Anderson <> wrote:
> Hell Folks,
> <<
> Based on your description, it sounds like part of the emblem
> which was
> placed on
> the top tube of early 1970's Gitanes, the "S C" standing for
> "Service
> Course",
> or roughly translated into "Road Race". No reason that would
> be put on
> a track
> bike and not placed on the head tube by the Factory.
> That being never know, with Gitane! I would love
> to see
> some
> pictures....>>
> Me thinks "Service Course" equals Race Service literally but
> means
> "Racing Level Model" in the Cycling world.
> Yours in Cycling,
> Gilbert Anderson
> North Road Bicycle Company
> PO Box 840
> 166 Court Square
> Yanceyville, NC 27379
> Our newest direct local Yanceyville Area phone is
> 336-421-4054
> Toll Free Research Triangle Area, NC area 919-828-8999
> Toll free Nationwide 800-321-5511
> email:
> ----> New Website Improved Daily
> On Sep 29, 2006, at 2:54 PM,
> wrote:
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> CR
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Later chroming, was Re: [CR] Help date a Gitane Track
> frame?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 13:24:52 -0400
> From:
> To:,,
> Subject: Later chroming, was Re: [CR] Help date a Gitane
> Track frame?
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
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> Precedence: list
> Message: 1
> Here's a hint I learned a while back: One pretty good way to
> determine
> if a bike was factory-chromed is to look carefully at the BB.
> If the
> bike is going to get chromed, that will be polished before
> assembly,
> because it is almost impossible afterwards. So, if the BB
> shows lots
> of casting or file marks, and isn't really well polished, it
> was likely
> to have been plated sometime later in its life. Not
> infallible, but
> what is? :-)
> harvey sachs
> mcLean VA USA
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> I would be interested in seeing pictures of the frame. I am
> unaware of
> any
> Gitane that was ever built by the factory which came with a
> full chrome
> finish,
> but that doesn't mean it didn't exist. If that is a Gitane,
> it was, most
> probably, refinished. I also think that the headtube decal is
> a cropped
> decal
> from another Gitane or a stickerset which was obtained after
> it was
> refinished.
> Based on your description, it sounds like part of the emblem
> which was
> placed on
> the top tube of early 1970's Gitanes, the "S C" standing for
> "Service
> Course",
> or roughly translated into "Road Race". No reason that would
> be put on
> a track
> bike and not placed on the head tube by the Factory.
> That being never know, with Gitane! I would love
> to see
> some
> pictures....
> Stephan Andranian
> Costa Mesa, CA
> Bob Hanson wrote:
> I picked up this frameset just by chance a couple years ago.
> Curious
> if
> anyone can help me narrow down a possible date of
> manufacture.
> Frame is Full Chrome. So, not surprisingly, the only
> remaining decal is
> the head tube emblem. That decal consists of a black & white
> checkered
> flag with a blue globe peeking out behind the flag. On the
> center of
> the flag is "GITANE" in blue with the letters "S" above the
> name and "C"
> below it, both of those letters in yellow.
> ------------------------------
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