Re: Francais SVP Re: [CR] Help date a Gitane Track frame?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 17:25:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: "sandranian" <>
Subject: Re: Francais SVP Re: [CR] Help date a Gitane Track frame?
To: Gilbert Anderson <>
In-Reply-To: <>

It has finally happened: The outspoken and sometimes flat wrong advocate for the most proletariat of bicycles has been accused of being an elitist!

Just kidding of course. Meant nothing by my jab at the "lower end" interclub. I would love to have one as well...but I have been looking for a picture of a track bike with the "Service Course" sticker on the top tube, and have not been able to find one. Again, that is not to say they don't exist.

My point, I think, with the mystery Chrome Gitane is that I have never seen the "S C" sticker on the head tube of ANY Gitane, let alone a track model. I doubt they would have taken the time to trim the remainder of the sticker (the SC globe had a written out "Service Course" in white attached) in order to affix that to the head tube. That is why I assumed that at least that sticker had been added afterwards, and was not stock...

Regarding all chromed Gitane's, I guess someone on the list has seen one, but I have never seen any and have no indication from any catalogues that I have that any ever existed. My collection is FAR from complete, though.

And I only started my Gitane site because no one else did! No French required...but it would be useful, I admit!!!

Stephan Andranian Costa Mesa, CA

Gilbert Anderson <> wrote: Sorry for the earlier Hell, meant Hello Folks,

Steven, You may be correct but a French bike shop guy told me this but his English was only a little better than my French, so not so good.

Course= Racing but the road implication could be there.

Isn't every Gitane a racing bike? I mean they all have dropped bars like racing bikes, right?

It does seem like the tagline 'Professional Racing Bike" was overused by several lower rent manufacturers in the 1970's and I suppose Gitane might have been one. In the early 70's a light bike like an Interclub was a passable racing bike with sewup tires but as nicer bikes became more readily available it's luster faded.

I was never a jaded elitist myself as I won my first race; a hill climb at the tender age of 14 against some college lads on my 38lb Jacque PenYay with 26x1-3/8 inch wheels. It was properly equipped for lightness with a drilled out nylon saddle. I dreamed of Interclubs!


Gilbert Anderson

North Road Bicycle Company PO Box 840 166 Court Square Yanceyville, NC 27379 USA

Our newest direct local Yanceyville Area phone is 336-421-4054 Toll Free Research Triangle Area, NC area 919-828-8999 Toll free Nationwide 800-321-5511

email: ----> New Website Improved Daily

On Sep 29, 2006, at 5:05 PM, sandranian wrote:

Perhaps we could get help on that...because that isn't what I understood it to mean, as Gitane put "Service Course" on even their lower end bikes (the Interclub, for example). I also thought that this was discussed earlier, and that it meant road race, but I could be wrong, after all: I speak no French...only speak a little German, and struggle with my English!

Stephan Andranian Costa Mesa, CA

Gilbert Anderson wrote:
> Hell Folks,
> <<
> Based on your description, it sounds like part of the emblem which was
> placed on
> the top tube of early 1970's Gitanes, the "S C" standing for "Service
> Course",
> or roughly translated into "Road Race". No reason that would be put on
> a track
> bike and not placed on the head tube by the Factory.
> That being never know, with Gitane! I would love to see
> some
> pictures....>>
> Me thinks "Service Course" equals Race Service literally but means
> "Racing Level Model" in the Cycling world.
> Yours in Cycling,
> Gilbert Anderson
> North Road Bicycle Company
> PO Box 840
> 166 Court Square
> Yanceyville, NC 27379
> Our newest direct local Yanceyville Area phone is 336-421-4054
> Toll Free Research Triangle Area, NC area 919-828-8999
> Toll free Nationwide 800-321-5511
> email:
> ----> New Website Improved Daily
> On Sep 29, 2006, at 2:54 PM,
> wrote:
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> CR
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Later chroming, was Re: [CR] Help date a Gitane Track frame?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 13:24:52 -0400
> From:
> To:,,
> Subject: Later chroming, was Re: [CR] Help date a Gitane Track frame?
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 1
> Here's a hint I learned a while back: One pretty good way to determine
> if a bike was factory-chromed is to look carefully at the BB. If the
> bike is going to get chromed, that will be polished before assembly,
> because it is almost impossible afterwards. So, if the BB shows lots
> of casting or file marks, and isn't really well polished, it was likely
> to have been plated sometime later in its life. Not infallible, but
> what is? :-)
> harvey sachs
> mcLean VA USA
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> I would be interested in seeing pictures of the frame. I am unaware of
> any
> Gitane that was ever built by the factory which came with a full chrome
> finish,
> but that doesn't mean it didn't exist. If that is a Gitane, it was,
> most
> probably, refinished. I also think that the headtube decal is a cropped
> decal
> from another Gitane or a stickerset which was obtained after it was
> refinished.
> Based on your description, it sounds like part of the emblem which was
> placed on
> the top tube of early 1970's Gitanes, the "S C" standing for "Service
> Course",
> or roughly translated into "Road Race". No reason that would be put on
> a track
> bike and not placed on the head tube by the Factory.
> That being never know, with Gitane! I would love to see
> some
> pictures....
> Stephan Andranian
> Costa Mesa, CA
> Bob Hanson wrote:
> I picked up this frameset just by chance a couple years ago. Curious
> if
> anyone can help me narrow down a possible date of manufacture.
> Frame is Full Chrome. So, not surprisingly, the only remaining decal is
> the head tube emblem. That decal consists of a black & white checkered
> flag with a blue globe peeking out behind the flag. On the center of
> the flag is "GITANE" in blue with the letters "S" above the name and
> "C"
> below it, both of those letters in yellow.
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> End of Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 45, Issue 125
> **************************************************
> _______________________________________________


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