Re: [CR]CR: Vintage Bicycle Racing Newsletter Backissues Available!

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 12:08:44 -0800
From: "Kurt Sperry" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]CR: Vintage Bicycle Racing Newsletter Backissues Available!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

I was a subscriber and probably still have some about somewhere. Good stuff, modest production values aside.

Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA

On 1/14/06, <> wrote:
> I've had a request for backissues to the defunct newsletter I used to
> write - the Vintage Racing Bicycle Newsletter. I published this when I
> owned Bicycle Classics Inc. many years ago. The newsletter was started a t
> the begining of 1994 and ran through 1999. The articles were pretty crud e,
> the graphic quality was terrible, the spelling even worse. But it
> retrospect the newsletters track the development of our hobby in its earl y
> days. There were 17 issues (I think, I only have through 17), each about 10
> pages long (including the mailing page).
> I'm thinking of reproducing these - some of which will look even worse
> then they originally did due to second generation reprints.
> But - if your not scared away, and you want early articles on things like
> Masi, Confente, Herse, Austro Daimler, Hetchins, frame construction,
> Campagnolo stuff, and articles from some of the well known folks who
> frequent the CR list, please email me.
> I think I would reprint the pile, and sell it as a big bound volume (abou t
> 190 pages) and charge about $30 or so.
> If interested, please email me, so that I can figure if/how many to run.
> Also, there were some folks who may not have taken up the offers to redee m
> unused portions of subscriptions for cash or parts when publication
> ceased. If you are owed anything from then (5 years ago), let me know an d
> hopefully I can make it up to you with reprints or something else.
> Mike Kone in Boulder CO
> _______________________________________________
