Re: [CR]OK, I want to cry!

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus:SLX)

From: "P.C. Kohler" <>
To: "Raymond Dobbins" <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]OK, I want to cry!
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 22:53:38 -0500
cc: Classic Rendezvous Bike List <>

To me, this issue highlights what I've always suspected about we CR Listers. We can be divided. Probably right down the middle: the romantics and the realists, the enthusiasts and the engineers. We all collect the same stuff. But when someone compares a "lost" bicycle to a lost child, half of you reply, with all good intentions, with "practical" explanations. Like you would suggest, for the same practical reasons, that clipless pedals are more functional than the old rat-traps. Fine. But that ain't registering with we romantics. Never will.

Like when I bemoaned losing that eBay bid on the '54 Stella, one well known CR Lister told me I should be ashamed of myself since it went to famous so and so and if I was nice to him I might be able to touch it at the next Cirque. Very comforting. There's always someone on hand with the salt to rub in the wound. Practical though. Stops infection.

So if Chuck is consoled by these practical explanations, great. I suspect he still feels lousy about his "lost" bike. And too right, too. And consider the practical side: it's a touchy-feely excuse to give the missus for why you really should never sell what you've got!

We might all be able to agree on that.

Peter Kohler
Washington DC USA