"I do not agree with the get what you pay for with respect to the longivity of tubular tires. My personal experience is that I have paid for good tires the flatted on my first ride and I have paid for cheap tires that I have ridden time and time again without a flat. Ride performance aside, I see no corolation between price and longevity. In fact I might go the other way. The more expensive and finer tires are more delicate on urban streets. Plus I don't feel bad when a cheepie punctures but I feel like hell when an expensive tubular hisses it way to the ground on my first ride.
Ray Homiski Elizabeth, NJ"
After reading a few post like this over the last couple of days I have to ask. Doesn't anybody repair their tubulars? What's the deal, punctures happen. Are you guys throwing away new tires because they flat on the first ride?
Jon Williams
Grants Pass OR