I meant, of course, could Bol d'Or have marketed these bikes through their chain of cheese shops?
Aldo Ross
Middletown, Ohio
<Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:06 PM Subject: Spam:***, Re: [CR]Outing Colnago bike with a twist
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> Could Boule D'Or have marketed these bikes through it's chain of
> tobacconists, the way other cigarette companies sell jackets and coolers?
> Aldo Ross
> Middletown, Ohio
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "The Maaslands" <TheMaaslands@comcast.net>
> To: "CR" <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:37 PM
> Subject: Spam:***, [CR]Outing Colnago bike with a twist
>> X-SpamDetect-Info: ------------- Start SmiteSpam results ---------------
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>> Ray wrote about the auction
>> http://ebay.com/
>> "The seller has got the wrong year. In 1980 Freddy Maertens rode for
>> San
>> Giacomo-Mobilli-no I haven't heard of them either- and had one minor
>> victory in Italy. It was 1981 when he signed for Boule D'Or Colnago ( I
>> think he also had Sunair on the jersey)and won his second world title.
>> Now call me a cynic but there is no way Colnago would sponser a team and
>> not have his name on the bikes. I have found two photos from 81/82 and
>> Freddy is riding a bog standard blue and white Colnago. It's got me
>> beat."
>> I have found a photo from 1980 where the Boule d'Or team did in fact
>> ride Boule d'or marked bikes. Maertens was indeed not part of the team
>> that year. In 1981, the team had different jerseys when they raced in
>> France and when they raced in Belgium, so they may also have had
>> differently sprayed bikes. Not likely, but you never know. In France the
>> jerseys said Colnago in big letters whereas in Belgium they only had the
>> Colnago shoulder markings.
>> By the way, Colnago sponsored teams that raced bikes under the namer
>> Colner (COLnago ERnesto), Saronni and Rauler (RAUL and ERnesto), so it
>> is in no way odd that Colnago would supply bikes to a team without them
>> being overtly Colnago bikes if the co-sponsor made it worthwhile for him
>> and the bike had the necessary call-outs. The auction bike does have
>> just such a call-out, with the Colnago clubs.
>> Steven Maasland
>> Moorestown, NJ