(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

From: <CPOTZ@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 04:39:20 EST
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

re the recent topic of 'being poor' just to put an end and to get back to bike stuff NO one who has access to the Internet, TV, designer clothing, cigarettes,alchohol etc IS poor, the thing WE all say on occassion is we are poor ,can't afford it ,or in the UK 'i am skint' or 'brassic' Relatively Deprived is what WE all are when we can't keep up with the Jones's...this is the accepted terminology( in the UK at least...and WE probably stole it from you guys over there) for being 'mardy' (pappy? not sure of the correct US term here) at not being able to buy the 'rubbish' we 'need'

steve chambers