Re: [CR]Anyone up for a Brevette in San Diego?

(Example: Production Builders)

Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:01:59 -0800
From: "Mark Wolfe" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Anyone up for a Brevette in San Diego?
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 wrote:
> Matty!
> Cowabunga! I guess I'm committed (the men in the white suits come to pic
> k me up in the morning) to the ride. Allrightty then. I guess we have a
> party!
> I know for sure I won't be able to do enough riding before the framebuil
> ders show to go beyond the 200KM. I will however start to ride with the
> group that does centuries every weekend after the show and begin working
> up to the greater distances. I'm thinking PBP in maybe 2008 or 09, but
> you never know. Perhaps if I can have the pesky 3rd arm growing out of m
> y back removed, the savings in weight and energy to operate it might be
> enough to get me there. We'll see, but I suspect 2007 will be a tad too
> soon for me. What time of year is PBP?
> I do plan on takeing the AeroTour to Paris for a vacation and putting it
> through the paces a lot before then. Thinking about a swift tour south
> from SF to SD maybe this comming summer to see what can be accomplished
> . There is going to be some adaptation from track riding to touring whic
> h may take a while. You do know that until recently, climbing was agains
> t my religion, right?
> Matty, you're the BEST! Thanks for jumping in.
> Brian Baylis
> La Mesa, CA
> Thanks for comming on board, Matty.

Ok, looks like 2 days left. Everyone is ready right? :) I checked out the route from where it deviates from the sdbc ride to where it hits Oceanside. Doesn't look bad at all. I'm gonna do this on my 1933 Charles Mochet built Frances Faure replica bike. Even though I've only done about 100 miles int he last month, I'm going to knock this out. 100oz bladder with Perpeteum in the seat back, and 50oz of water in the seat bag. Plan on about 10 hours give or take. May need a light as that will have us finishing around 5pm. I'm hoping to be done by 3pm.

- -- Mark Wolfe Lakeside, Ca. gpg fingerprint = 42B6 EFEB 5414 AA18 01B7 64AC EF46 F7E6 82F6 8C71 "Our products just aren't engineered for security." - Brian Valentine, senior VP in charge of Microsoft's Windows development 5 Sept 2002 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

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