Re: [CR]NAHBS: Anybody going.........

(Example: Production Builders)

Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:48:24 -0500
From: <>
References: <>
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Subject: Re: [CR]NAHBS: Anybody going.........

Brian wrote:

<<...There will be some blazeing surf music/classic rock in the bar on Friday night.... >>

You folks DO understand that Brian is using that word in the context of the move "Blazing Saddles" ...all those bike folks gathered around the camp fire, various conversation & noises erupting .......

Dale Brown Greensboro, NC USA

-----Original Message----- From: <> To: Cc:; Sent: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 15:31:12 GMT Subject: Re: [CR]NAHBS: Anybody going to the KOF party in march? Also Redcay f ixie build help needed


There will be lots of time to socialize before and after the days events . There will be some blazeing surf music/classic rock in the bar on Frid ay night. The Clarion Hotel is the hub of the activities as far as hangi ng out and stuff. Not sure about the riding, but I would imagine there w ill be something happening. This will deffinitely be a special event. We ll worth attending regardless of what type of bicycles you prefer to rid e/own.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Barely going to make it with the AeroTour for the Show. Way more work th an I had expected in the beginning. Who would have guessed?

-- "K. A. Thomas" wrote:


it clear on the calender! Will be my first. Is there much time for ridi ng

and other fun and frolic, or is it all show and seminars? I want to know

how to act when I get there...

Kirk A. Thomas Arcadia CA

At 08:20 PM 1/24/06 -0800, jimmy katynski wrote:
>Wondering if anybody is going to San Jose in march for
>the builders show? Im going for the 3 day event and
>want to meet up with any CR members going.
> Im going to build up my Redcay fixie and was
>wondering from the fixed gear crowd what gearing setup
>i should use? In my area it's very flat with alot of
>stop and go, what should i use?
>Jimmy Katynski
>31543 Edgeworth Dr
>Madison Heights Mi 48071
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