In a message dated 1/3/06 8:04:37 PM,
> Well, Fred, you raise an interesting question when you talk about
> "generating enough torque with a 7 mm hex key to properly tighten the quil
l's bolt."
> I've always felt that stems should be just tight enough to not turn in the
> steerer under emergency conditions -- and no tighter. I've always tried
> set things up so the stem would be loose enough to give while crashing, si
> that might lessen injury.
> Am I overanalyzing the situation? Does the rest of the world just clamp
> down till it is real tight (the way I do at the other end of the stem, so
> bars don't rotate when I stand and apply the Mighty Thrust of the 61 year
> old body)?
> Your mileage may vary.
> harvey sachs
> mcLean va
Man, I'm with you Harvey. Not only is it nice to have some "give" in a crash, but most of us have also heard warnings about putting a bulge in the steering tube.
Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA