Mick, I wish I knew. Did a moderate amount of research, one other chap sent me photo's of his, dated '52, same details, but neither of us could identify a model name. No indication on the frame, the decals were all faded or gone, and found no outline of a model name.
I agree that Kevin K's Italian Ladies bike is very fine looking, but does not have the same lugs as the circa 1962 Garlatti in these pictures.
John Siemsen San Luis Obispo, CA
> Hello John,
\r?\n> Is that 1951 an Ambassador model you have there? The
\r?\n> Ambassador name might have been used later. I believe
\r?\n> he used these lugs on the earlier Universal Club as
\r?\n> well. Do you know if any of this is true?
\r?\n> Best wishes Mick Butler.
\r?\n> Thats all for now. Keep those wheels spinning, in your memories if not still on the road. Be lucky Mick Butler Huntingdon UK.