Do you think it might have had something to do with preferring the use of right hand threads for mounting a cog to the driving wheel?
That might be an incorrect guess, but it's not hokus pocus. Fred Rednor - Arlignton, Virginia (USA)
> Just had to chime in on this one. Right hand drive train on
> bicycles is a
> modern day adaptation. It could have just as well be left
> sided. The very
> first bikes had no bias at all. The boneshaker, Hi-Wheel,
> even the racing
> Hi-Wheel bikes had no chain and were front wheel direct
> drive. If there
> were any validity to one side being chosen over the other for
> such reasons
> as I have heard so far then we should all have our car
> steering wheels on
> the right side and enter from the left. Rubbish! It is what
> it is by
> coincidence or the desire to standardize. No hokus pokus or
> White Knight
> stories even if they sound romantic.
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ
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