It isn't necessarily a scam, but you'd be asking for trouble not to proceed with extreme caution on this one. No activity in six years, private auction, short duration (only 3 days) and normally accepts Paypal but not for this auction. Seller also provides a link to the Rene Herse Project site that belongs to Alex March, without indicating that it is not his sight.
I have never been taken by a scammer on eBay, but that is due in large part to scam-alert posts like Mike Schmidt's, and the ensuing list discussions, which have taught me what red flags to look for.
Some things merit a little obsession (the correct order of stripes on a Cinelli decal, for example). I say keep the alerts coming, as a service to the list in general and new members in particular.
Ray Dobbins Miami Florida USA
bit_eimer <> wrote:
I think you have good reason to be suspicious, with no activity whatsoever for such a long time. Also, it's a private auction - for me, that's another red flag as it creates a great environment for shilling. I never bid on private auctions.
...Derek Davis, Phoenix
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Schmidt []
> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 8:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: [CR]EBAY Scam? I am suspicious of this one
> =0D
> =0D
> Check out this auction for these Maxi-cars. 270044604571.
> =0D
> I see a red flag here namely the seller has not been active in 6
> =0D
> Listmembers, whadda thinkin?
> =0D
> =0D