Sorry guys, took a break and my wife wrote an eMail and hit the Send All Button.
<<Rear facing track dropouts allow the builder to make shorter chainstays which means a more responsive shorter wheelbase. The shorter chainstay will also be stiffer than a longer one. It is easier to bend a yard stick than the teacher's foot long ruler.>>
A bit late to come in on this on but have just returned from holiday (vacation) in New England. At the most using track ends (dropouts) will give and extra 1/2" at the most, which will make no appreciable difference to the stiffness of the frame. Rather like a comment I read recently, I can't remember where, that I high bottom bracket made for a stiffer frame because of a shorter down tube and chain stays. Come on guys get real. I have built many six day and other track frames, and if you want a stiff frame (for sixes) then a plain gauge down tube does the trick. High bottom bracket, never, makes for a more unstable frame because it raises the centre of gravity. Never been above 274mm (165 cranks) BB height.
Mike Mullett