[CR]W.A.G. of Michaels Cinelli Mod B

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

From: "Michael Schmid" <schmid@zunterer.com>
To: "'dave martinez'" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>, <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:30:23 +0200
Organization: Kanzlei Zunterer
In-Reply-To: <20061025020552.75123.qmail@web33212.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Subject: [CR]W.A.G. of Michaels Cinelli Mod B

Hello Dave and List, thanks for the positive feedback on my Cinelli. The dropouts are Simplex. The badge is the one with a dark blue background. I will measure it and report to the list. I have got several replies offlist narrowing down the production year to mid fifties till 1960. Indicators are the head lugs with the characteristic section going forward around the head tube (Hilary stated that), the Brooks B15 - i will check if I can find a production stamp (thanks to Toni for his expertise) and the simplex dropouts. Does anybody know when Cinell put on the Mod B decal? I saw it on Ray Dobbins restored bike and I saw Mod. SC decals on other bikes but it is missing on mine. Altough there is residue of some decal visible on the seat tube. Could have been the model sticker, could have been a dealer sticker.

Best regards


Michael Schmid Oberammergau Germany Tel.: +49 8821 798790 Fax.:+49 8821 798791 mail: <mailto:schmid@zunterer.com> schmid@zunterer.com http://www.zunterer.com http://www.zunterer.com/

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: dave martinez [mailto:dmart84815@yahoo.com] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2006 04:06 An: Michael Schmid Cc: CR List Betreff: Re: [CR W.A.G. of Michaels Cinelli Mod B

Hello Michael,

I applaud you for such a fantastic find! I'd estimate that your Cinelli Mod B is from the late 50s to '60.

Are those Simplex or Campag dropouts? Is the backround color of the badge dark blue or black? Can you measure the badge? The very early Cino Cinellis had badges that were a tad larger than what came later.

Afew years back, I met a guy at Talbots Bikeshop in San Mateo Ca (first to import DeRosas in the USA). He had a Cinelli just like yours. Back in the early 60s he was in the Air Force stationed in Germany, thats when he purchased his Cinelli Mod B. He was getting it up graded(?) at Talbots with Campagnolo Ergo : (

Regards, Dave Martinez collects cinellis like hugh hefner collects blondes Niles Ca. US of A

Michael Schmid <schmid@zunterer.com> wrote:

Hi Ray, Kim and List, My B-Model hast the same stripes as Kims. You can check it below: http://www.wooljersey.com/gallery/Drexl/Cinelli+B/IMG_4175.JPG.html Seems like Kim has a similiar frame like mine. You can check my bike in my Wooljersey album. Does anybody can give a figure what year it is? Serial No is 4723 but that indicates nothing. I suspect it is from around 1955 to 1960 due to a open-C clamp that came on the bike and it's headset.

Michael Schmid
Tel.: +49 8821 798790
Fax.:+49 8821 798791
mail: schmid@zunterer.com