For those of us who have a love for 531 and its derivatives, maybe 953 might signal a return to construction with steel and all of the features we like in steel construction?! May have a particular application in touring frames!?
Interesting little review of 953 at Interbike in
It is a stainless alloy described in the above article as, "twice as strong as titanium with a frame weight comparable to high-end aluminum, and won't corrode." It has the added advantage that, unlike carbon, it is a tough material which can be rebuilt if damaged.
Another review from the 2005 Australian bike show:
Quoted: "the rush to build lighter and lighter frames has left steel behind in recent years. Aluminium and then carbon fiber have been the materials of choice for riders seeking a very light frame. Reynolds launched its 953 tubing just a couple of weeks ago and if it delivers on its promise it will put steel back in consideration."
There are many other sources on the NET, these rae but two.
Paul B. Williams, MPhil (Wales), PhD (Queen's) 70 Viscount Ave., Ottawa, On, K1Z 7M9 ph: 613-761-3867 e-mail: