Took the red eye back last night, and wanted to get these out to the list while the iron was hot. No color or exposure corrections, minimal captions (one at the start of each new event to give minimal structure to the album). These are more or less in order from the Thursday Beach ride to the Charles Andrews winning the people's choice award. 130+ pics this year. I tried to get some more candid photos of the rides, but they all seem to be from the back of the pack----
I'll try to write up a more complete summary later, but 1,000 thanks to Chuck Schmidt who once more put on a wonderful fall event, a perfect climax to the riding season for those of us with all 4 seasons. And this year I climbed le Alpe du Beanery three times without nearly passing out! A great feat for such a flatlander as me.
Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ
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