The following additional report was written by my husband Al, who begs Dale's indulgence for this post. Although he is not a CR member, he was a VR6 attendee and is a lover of classic bikes.
Paulie Davis Los Angeles, CA, USA
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Oct 9, 2006 6:52 PM Subject: Re: Lovefest! Velo Rendezous '06 To:
Three cheers for Chuck and Sherry Schmidt for putting on and organizing this year's VR!!! I totally agree with Paulie (she is my significant other), the food, bikes and hang were fabulous this year.
The eye candy of beautiful bikes on Sunday was amazing. The history of Bianchis was very cool, not to mention so many other gorgeous bikes. I loved Peter's *first* bike at Saturday's share time. His story of how it all came together was fascinating. I guess because I'm an ignorant novice myself, I especially appreciate the inside stories as to how methods and parts came to be and how difficult problems were overcome.
Like Paulie, I can hardly wait for next year's get together. It was really great to make new friends as well as try restaurants that were at least new to me.
Kudos and again a huge thanks to the Schmidts. It is never easy to put on any event of this type. You folks did a particularly wonderful job this year.
Best to all,
Al Davis