[CR]Torelli Oral Histories

(Example: Humor)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: [CR]Torelli Oral Histories
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 12:26:35 -0400
Thread-Topic: [CR]Torelli Oral Histories
Thread-Index: AcbsiNq3J0TZHFA6TY6csDfERYsoiw==
From: "Silver, Mordecai" <MSilver@iso.com>
To: "Classic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

These articles are new to me: http://www.bikeraceinfo.com/oralhistory/oralhistory.html.

Among these is an excellent article by the historian David Herlihy on Cino Cinelli: http://www.bikeraceinfo.com/oralhistory/Cinelli%20interview.html.

Interview with Bill Kund, one of the few Americans racing in Europe in the early '70's: http://www.bikeraceinfo.com/oralhistory/kund.html

Interview with Pietro Piazzalunga, Mechanic to Champions: http://www.bikeraceinfo.com/oralhistory/piazzalunga.html

And there's more great stuff, like interviews with Gimondi, Bitossi, and Vercelli.

Mordecai Silver
New York, NY