[CR]L'EROICA-the RIDE (very long)

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:56:39 -0700
From: "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
To: CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]L'EROICA-the RIDE (very long)

Sunday ,the L'EROICA We were up early and standing around in the square I heard there were over 1400 riders registered, last year it was 950 . Courtney and Dave Benson had left early to ride the 125k. So it was Jennifer,Mike,Jaime,Guy and I waiting together for the start. 8:30 came and went , there seemed to be a lot of speech making and symbolic starts. I had started at the very front last year but due to the crowd size the sign in was moved to the other end of the square, By the time that was done we were well back from the front. We discussed the start and the fact we would immediately have 2 sharp turns to get out to the highway ,this while surrounded by 1000 or so riders. We also talked about if we would ride together , it was decided to ride at our own pace and try to keep an eye on each other. A mass start of this size is pretty confusing,though they allowed the contestants for most 'vintage ride and wear' to get away first, it was still a mass of fast riders mixed with slow ones as we left town. The turns I was so worried about came and went and we were soon out on the open road. It was pretty interesting with mixed groups of old and newer bikes ridden by vintage and not so vintage riders. Jaime disappeared ahead in the first few kilometers and I don't think I saw him again until after the ride. Pacelines flew by as teams or imagined teams poured it on at the beginning. At the 10 k point there was a sharp turn to a secondary road and I stopped further up the road to get pictures of Guy and Mike as they made the turn. Jennifer had moved ahead at this point and I resumed riding behind everyone. This road climbed for about 1 k and then we were on to the first of the white roads, last year there was deep gravel on this section but this year the surface was more dirt than rock(the organizers make a distinction between Strada bianca and fine bianca) . Some where in this section Guy flatted and I stopped ahead of him. The surroundings were all vineyards and in the distance stone buildings on hilltops. We had been on a gradual climb for 2 or 3 k when we reached the top of the ridge. Rita, Robin, Debbie and the van were at the top and I stopped for a few moments. Riders continued to stream past but not in the thick knots they had been riding at in the beginning. A fellow on an ordinary came by and I joined in behind to take a few pictures from behind and in front. We had a pretty good down hill at this point and theres nothing like descending on a dirt road with a road bike. Braking is best left till both tires are touching the ground ! I noticed the off topic MTBs( dropped from participation next year along with modern bikes) were quite slow on the downhills and they would continue to be bothersome for the rest of the ride (many rode on past the 38k mark where they were supposed to turn off) As it was last year you would be riding with a group one moment and would be out on the road by yourself the next. Some where along the line Guy moved ahead of me and I would not see him until later. The surface continued to change from smooth pavement and then back to dirt or hard pack . On these back roads the residents pave sections in front of their homes but leave other sections untouched, so in the space of a kilometer or so you will go white road to pavement and back 2 or 3 times. I had told the reporter on Saturday that I had come for the people not the hills, it was fun riding along with others and watching the interaction between groups or rider to rider. Funny and not so funny things were said. The climbs were steeper than I remember. We rode on primary road in to Pianella and I was able to fill my empty water bottle from someone's faucet (remind me to take an extra bottle next time) water would continue to be an issue as the climbs seemed to get longer. Again after exiting the town we would switch to white road for another 3 or 4 k then back to pavement which would take us into another town. Radda was again a climb on pavement and again on exiting the town we switched to white road. I think at this point we had done most of our climbing on the white roads with the exception of steep climbs into the small towns. Some where at mid point we did a long pull on main road, riding past a winery I noticed many the bottles of wine that had been left at the gate on barrels had been drained by previous riders. I was again out of water and looking for a source.At this point I was sorry that I had left my Swiss Army knife at home as there were a few unopened bottles still to be drunk. (note for the future , you might need a cork screw) Another k or so there was a turn off the main road ( I think this is where some riders missed the turn and went straight) a short incredibly steep road again led to white road, which followed the ridge line. This road began to climb , changed to pavement for a short while, and then switched back to white road that again continued to climb through the surrounding vineyards. My lack of conditioning was really beginning to show (EDDIE A. had told me it was tough riding) even climbing in my lowest gear I was traveling slower and slower. I decided to stop and try some of the grapes growing near the road. I dropped my bike at the roadside and went down the embankment to see what wine grapes tasted like before they went in the bottle. Having tried them in Sonoma years ago I was not sure what to expect (those Sonoma grapes had been tart) I was surprised , they were quite sweet! I noticed other riders were also doing the same and we attacked the vines like two wheeled insects. Then it was back up the the road and I noticed walking cyclists, a long line of walking cyclists! Up on the bike , I think or maybe say out loud "I am a cyclist not a pedestrian" I stay in the saddle for another 500 meters or so and then join the other pedestrians..............Out of water and energy. After walking for a few minutes I would be saved by my San Francisco Wheelman jersey. A car pulls up next to me, the window comes down and a woman says "How about those 49ers!" A couple of US tourists(Socal ,sadly) just happened by .They wanted to know what was going on with all these people on bicycles, what was up? I gave them a brief run down of L'EROICA and what I was doing in Chianti. Then she wanted to know what we were doing for water (we must have looked pretty bad) I told her I was empty and she pulled out a large bottle and gave me a refill, Saved! Refreshed by water I was able to finish the climb up to the Ristoro (the feed station) The Ristoro was a booth setup under a large Oak tree and Rita,Debbie and Robin were there waiting. After finishing off my water bottle I went up to the counter for food. The scene at the counter was just as in the vineyard below, two-wheeled insects burrowing through Bread,Salume, Wine, Water and that well know energy drink , Shots of Olive oil! Bean stew was simmering over a fire. After major carbo loading and more water I set off again for the last 25 k. Guy and Mike were still out when I left. I began to make contact with Jennifer again , she would ride away from me on the hills and I would catch her on the descents.This would continue over the next 20 kms. till the end of the ride. The white road continued and I joined up with a cyclist from Sienna, he had lived in SF for a couple of years and his english was quite good for someone who had not used it in a while. He had been talked into riding and being quite out of shape was now pretty unhappy with his pal who had gone on and left him. His wife showed up in their van but he decided to ride on with me a ways. When we came to an insanely steep section of pavement he told me that was it and his legs were dead. The grade was over 25% but was only 200 meters or so. Then it was back onto the main roadway and after a few ks I was excited to see a sign pointing to Gaiole 7 kms, but the route marker pointed out another road climbing away to its left so up I again went. My new group of riders were fellows who had raided the vineyard with me earlier. They were in great spirits and were giving each another a bad time. I tried to join in where I could . We rode together for a while and then they disappeared , again I was out on the road by myself. I spent a lot of time thinking I was lost all day long, just when I was sure of it another sign would appear.My friend Anton from last year appeared and I got a couple of pictures of him ,then he pulled away on a hill and was gone. The last climb ended up in a small town(San Donato?)and after making the tour of the small village center the signs again sent us out a white road which after a short downhill led us onto a paved road and more downhill. From then on it was a short run back into Gaiole , up one street and then back to the square to get my route book stamped. The Tuscan band was playing ,looking more formal than last year in their dark uniforms. Jennifer and I went to collect our swag at which point I found out that I received a nice bottle of wine for doing the 75k but she did not as she was on a modern bike. Next year only classic bikes will be allowed , probably because the larger number of riders this year were more than the organizers were prepared for as there were 200 last minute sign ups Saturday afternoon. After the ride we were able to go back to the hall where the 'Heroes Dinner' was the previous night for a Pasta meal and then we wandered back to the town square to await the 135K and 200k riders who were beginning to arrive. Courtney and Dave arrived very quickly and we waited around in the fading sunlight for the 200k group. The town square continued with activity with the band playing and cycling demonstrations by various riders including Guiliano Calore who holds various records for riding "no Hands" (infact no handlebars or stem!) up the Stelvio and over different long distances. He was demonstrating his Accordion technique(no hands while playing accordion) for most of the afternoon, riding back and forth around the square. Later in the evening we went back to our favorite restaurant for dinner, this time we received a discount on our bill (L'EROICA discount? I am not sure) The next morning we gathered for one last Cappuccino before heading out to the airport or further vacation, I think everyone felt as I did ,we enjoyed out visit to the hill town of Gaiole and were hesitant to leave. Thanks again to Francesca our hostess at our hotel 'La Fonte del Cieco', Michele and Marco of Bluefrecia , my wife Rita with Robin and Debbie the broom wagon cheering section, and fellow riders Jennifer and Courtney, Mike, Guy ,Jaime and Dave plus all the other CR members we met over the course of the weekend..

BOB FREITAS back to reality here in MILL VALLEY,CA

