Jack Romans wrote: I picked-up some Lyotard Berthod all-steel platform pedals for some future frenchy project. One has a bad spindle and outer threaded race. Does anyone know if I should be able to replace these parts with ones from the more common models? +++++++++++ Nice, Jack, and consider yourself lucky - maybe. In my experience, the frames usually fail before the spindles, because the aluminum pieces that attach the platform to the central shaft just work loose. This leaves some surplus spindles lying around - if anyone else keeps them.
A couple of years ago, I tried to do a spindle swap with another member of this esteemed list, and discovered that a spindle is not a spindle is not a spindle, where Berthets are concerned. -->short v. long threaded section for crank mount, for steel and aluminum cranks, respectively. --> no one knows how many pedal threading diameter variations; there may be a continuum from loose 14 mm French to pretty good 9/16". Maybe the dies started out as 14 mm, and gradually wore to 9/16"? :-) --> Spindle lengths vary enough to make some combinations impossible and others require grinding off a couple of mm.
On the other hand, I don't remember much in variation that mattered among the truly awful pressed sheet metal bearing "cones," and think they may have interchanged with equivalents.
If you will carefully measure the length (top of inner race to bearing end of spindle), I'll check if there's anything in the stash. That's the go-no go, as is the pedal threading.
With Lyotard Berthets, the only surprise would be not finding a surprise. Maybe that's why we love 'em.
harvey sachs mcLean va. (we once finished a tour through the appalachians with radiator clamps holding one Berthet together. It was the last tour with 14 mm. pedals)