Today, $3000 will get you a richard sachs frameset and about 1/5th of a campy record 2006 build kit. With this bike, you don't have to wait 2.5 years ... *grin* ...
I'm sure Richard Sachs spent at least 200 hours stressing out over the parts acquisition. Since he probably spends about 20-30 hours building an RS frame - i believe - you are getting this bike at 1/10th of his normal price ... and a NOS 1971 build kit for $500 ...
NOS 1974 Raleighs (pro, international) with yucky lugs and sloppy paint sell in the $2000 - $3000 range all the time, NIB. This bike lacks the yucky lugs and has REAL paint and can be admired in your living room, unlike most raleighs ...
I didn't even notice it was the RS frame until the 3rd posting on the
subject ... I didn't know for sure it was sarcasm until the posting
just now ... This is probably one of the most famous MASI's in
existence, given all the articles written by Richard Sachs and all the
free PR the bike has received - appearing as a celebrity bike on
- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA, USA