Yes when you lay them right next to each other you can see the difference but one at a time is very hard to see it. Steven Willis The Bike Stand 1778 East Second Street Scotch Plains NJ 07076 908-322-3330
> At 10:26 PM -0700 10/18/06, Kurt Sperry wrote:
>>What disginguised this sort of GS seatpost from a similar NR one? It
>>identical to NR ones I've had.
> The GS seatpost I have seen had less polished posts - you could see the
> machining marks, similar to many modern seatposts. I am not sure whether
> this is just "within spec variation," or a reflection of eliminating some
> costly finish work.
> --
> Jan Heine
> Editor
> Bicycle Quarterly
> 140 Lakeside Ave #C
> Seattle WA 98122