There were two levels of Bianchi track bikes in the 80's, the Super Pista (full campy with campy ends in chrome IIRC and full Columbus PS tubeset) and the Eco-Pista (Gipiemme group, Columbus tretubi frame). The geometry was very similiar if not the same, and the Eco-Pista was a popular entry-level track bike in my old store in San Marino, CA.
Cheers, Mark (Pista) Ritz The other end of the state from San Marino in Arcata, CA, USA
Pete wrote: Questions for owners of early 80's Bianchi track frames:
Did they use Gipiemme track fork ends (dropouts) as on some road bike frames? If so what tubing sticker is on frame? Finally is it a second tier model with the Gipiemme group?