My '83 Bianchi "Ecco Pista" came with Gipiemme track ends, crank, hubs, and pedals. Didn't come with a tubing stick - it was just "Bianchi special lightweight tubing" or some non-identifying description. I think it sold for about $550 back then. Bianchi (USA) had two track bikes that year - the "Ecco Pista" was the economy model, while the $1500 high-end "Super Pista" had Columbus tubing, chrome headlugs, full Campy track gruppo, TTT "Bianchi" stem and bars, and other upgrades.
Aldo Ross
Middletown, Ohio, USA
> Questions for owners of early 80's Bianchi track frames:
> Did they use Gipiemme track fork ends (dropouts) as on some road bike
> frames?
> If so what tubing sticker is on frame?
> Finally is it a second tier model with the Gipiemme group?
> Thanks.
> Pete Geurds
> Douglassville, Pa