Several very knowledgeable list members have noted various perhaps incorrec t components (e.g., the deraillerur) on this bicycle. But how easy (and ch eap) would it be to find an appropriate derailleur? :-)
And again, if this is a reproduction, get me the forger's email address. I want to help h im start a legitimate KOF business. The guy's got a gift.
Otherwise, t his bike remains one splendid Hetchins and market value just took a jump.
Don Wilson
Los Olivos, CA USA
From: "" <> To: classicrendezvou Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2006 5:34:31 AM Subject: [C R]$7K Hetchins
Interestingly, the bike got a bid, so those of you who were looking under the sofa cushions in order to mount a Buy It Now eff ort are out of luck.
Ed Granger
Lancaster, PA, USA