RE: [CR]NY Times story on (slightly) pricey bicycles

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

From: "Roman Stankus" <>
To: "'Robert D. Dayton,Jr.'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]NY Times story on (slightly) pricey bicycles
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 07:29:34 -0500
In-reply-to: <>
Thread-Index: AccHku5rQ3IA8ttcQESxPDrR216EEQAVCfIwAAAhLfA=

Why - I thought we cyclists were in "this thing" all together.. Get someone riding - if they fall in love with it - they will see cycling for what it really is - beyond the bike. Lets not be bike snobs in reverse.

Calm blue ocean

Ooouuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... . . . . .

Roman Stankus Atlanta, Ga.

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Robert D. Dayton,Jr. Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 7:19 AM To: 'Jerome & Elizabeth Moos'; 'John Thompson'; Subject: RE: [CR]NY Times story on (slightly) pricey bicycles

There is only one way to get even. Show 'em what you got and drop 'em like a rock. Then they'll want your bike 'cause it's obviously faster.

Rob Dayton Charlotte, NC USA

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jerome & Elizabeth Moos Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 9:16 PM To: John Thompson; Subject: Re: [CR]NY Times story on (slightly) pricey bicycles

Well, the newest bikes I have are a new Bates and an Arthur Caygill Artisan, both custom ordered new in the last 5 years. But both are very much KOF frames built with classic components. The most "modern" bikes I have are a pair of 1997 Bianchi TSX/UL's, celeste for me and midnight blue for my wife, bought when Bianchi was clearing out these, the last lugged steel frames they ever built. One was from a local Bianchi dealer LBS (no longer in business), the other mail order from Circle Cycle in SF (Do they still exist?). Mine is built with C-Record, hers with circa 1998 Campy Chorus. This Chorus gruppo was ordered new from Bob Lickton and is the most modern components I have ever dealt with. I think the frames were each $400-$500 new, and the Chorus gruppo was around $1000 including wheels custom built by Lickton's. So if you throw it bars, stem, tires, bottles, cages, etc., maybe my wife's Bianchi was all of $1700 brand new. I don't see any new off-the-peg bikes today I would pay more than that for, let alone $23,000. Now, a custom made Sachs or Baylis or Fattic or Weigle or Gordon, etc. frame would be about $1000 more than that entire bike, and that I could see paying, except one is usually talking a year or two or three wait. Just cannot see paying $23,000 or even $10,000 for what is stiil just an off-the-peg bike, not even if you get free Courvoisier, Shiraz and cappucino. I'd rather order a custom Weigle, buy my own bottle of Courvoisier, and pocket $7500 in change.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, West Texas

John Thompson <> wrote: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> You just reminded me why I hate much of the "modern" bike scene. One
> comforting thought is that I don't think anyone will ever sell a
> $23,000 bike here in a small town in West Texas. Or $2,300. Most
> people here would consider a $230 bike extravagant.

Reminds me of why I haven't gotten a new bike in over 15 years.

Two $10,000 "custom" bikes for someone who barely knows how to ride? That's not "floridly insane" as the author suggests -- that's floridly ostentatious.

John Thompson (
Appleton WI USA