RE: [CR] '72 Schwinn Paramount

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

From: "Scott L. Minneman" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [CR] '72 Schwinn Paramount
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 17:07:21 -0800
In-Reply-To: <>
Thread-Index: AccMPLnpH2UXYo0+SYW+svz4UuHPkwAAj3wg

When my '71 Paramount arrived, it had fat (crispy) foam grips instead of handlebar tape, a blue-plastic rear-view mirror, and a cheesy bell clamped into the Cinelli stem.

That said, it also came with a pair of perfect Clement Setas in a bonus paper bag.

Go figure.

Scott Minneman San Francisco, CA

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Marc St. Martin Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 4:42 PM To: Bob Hanson; Subject: Re: [CR] '72 Schwinn Paramount

Yes, it seems that some original Schwinn Paramount owners had their own sense of style; my '64 P10 came to me fully outfitted with spoke reflectors, two on each wheel; front and rear reflectors and those extra brake levers. Needless to say, all this stuff was removed and tucked safely away in case some future caretaker wants the "original owner experience." :^)


Marc St. Martin Livermore, CA

-----Original Message-----

>From: Bob Hanson <>

>Sent: Nov 19, 2006 2:03 PM


>Subject: Re: [CR] '72 Schwinn Paramount


>The Retail price for the 1972 P13 was actually $350... which makes the

>$50 Campy brake option even more outrageous.


>Also, regarding kickstand [groan!] we're assuming the original owner was

>a total idiot. Perhaps he had merely purchased the kickstand for a

>different bike and then simply paid the bike shop for everything at the

>same time - so, it had all just appeared on the same receipt... right?

>I suspect the repaint would have also included repair of any clamp

>damage, so we may never know.


>~ The following are all links to Bob Hufford's great Schwinn lightweight

>website. [A lotta Kool stuff on that website, Bob!] :


>Scroll down for 1972 Paramount specs:



>Paramount page in 1972 catalog:



>Retail Price sheet:



>Dealer price sheet:





>Bob Hanson, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA