Mark Bulgier wrote:
> Chuck Schmidt wrote
>>> I'm trying my best to find some vintage content in any of this and
>>> coming up empty handed...
> And Jeff Potter replied
>> THERE IT IS! Down below! Clarification of road racing
>> history, my man! : ) On a classically contentious point, no
>> less. And there are vintage pics to prove it on
>>, no less. Featuring TdF
>> '37 winner Lapebie racing alongside an UNFAIRED benter, no less!
>> We're in, we're clean! Don't kick me'n'Sheldon off the list,
>> pretty please! --JP
> Except the list rules specifically mention recumbents as off-topic.
> Sheldon didn't mention 'bents at all, no risk of him getting booted...
> Mark Bulgier
> Seattle WA USA
I'm not so sure Mark. Sheldon's posts are about the UCI and what they base their decisions on, correct? No content appropriate for a vintage bike list that I can see, so off-topic. If we could vote, I'd vote to BOOT 'IM! <grin>
Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, Southern California
United States of America (reprints, t-shirts & timelines)