In the "small world, ain't it?" department, I bought a circa 1975 Holdsworth Team Pro frame from none other than the very same Mario Girasa we were just discussing. The frame had been newely restored by Argos in UK. This has been several years ago but perhaps they still have a source for decals.
Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX
Tory Werne <> wrote:
If anyone can help, I'm searching for a dimension detail.
This will be specific to a circa 1969 Holdsworth Team Pro
(or custom model painted in team colours).
>From photos on Norman Kilgariff's wonderful Holdsworth
Can anyone confirm from ownership:
(1) are the seven bands indeed ALL equal width? (2) please quote the correct total band width (1"?) (3) please confirm - there's not a trace of separator line between the color bands (?).
Sincere Thanks
Tory Werne
Woodstock, GA