Thanks for the catalogue scans. Now I know why I've never
been able to find a Superior in my size - they simply weren't
made! I've been tryingto find one for a fixed gear conversion.
Now I can give up this pointless pursuit.
Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
> Harvey M Sachs <sachshm(AT)> wrote:
\r?\n> > Kurt Sperry asked (in a different context):
\r?\n> >> Tangentially, did Schwinn ever make a triple ashtabula for
\r?\n> a
\r?\n> >> Varsity/Continental variant? I almost think I remember
\r?\n> seeing one...
\r?\n> > I am almost certain that your memory is correct on this.
\r?\n> In the
\r?\n> > mid-1960s, I believe that the Continental variant
\r?\n> (deviant?) was
\r?\n> > called the Sierra. I think there was a later variant of
\r?\n> the Super
\r?\n> > Sport, too, but I cannot recall its name. Frankly, I would
\r?\n> not accept
\r?\n> > the Sierra as a gift.
\r?\n> The '62 Super Continental, '62/'63 Superiors, and '63/'64
\r?\n> Sierras came with
\r?\n> this Huret triple.
\r?\n> I'll take all you want to give me ... :-)
\r?\n> Bob Hufford
\r?\n> Springfield, MO