Carl, another responder had already given you a dig about "torch," so I thought I'd just let you twist in the wind ...
Ken Freeman
Ann Arbor, MI
> Hello Ken,
\r?\n> I must believe your exactly right with the belief that it is an art when
\r?\n> properly adjusting cones, or at least experience from a careful analysis of the
\r?\n> dynamics of the parts in unison. I have always adjusted cones to account for
\r?\n> some compression of the skewer. I set the adjust so that a wiggle of the rim is
\r?\n> at the point were beaing movement can no longer be detected. Its a suttle thing
\r?\n> to achieve.
\r?\n> By the way, I used spell check and clicked change-all to incorrectly spell
\r?\n> torque as torch. NO, I am not using my propane torch to tighten hub axle
\r?\n> assemblies, or am I smoking hubs in my pipe ;-).
\r?\n> Thanks for your answers
\r?\n> Carl Kamenzind
\r?\n> West Seattle WA USA
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