RE: [CR]$7k Hetchins - Now rare T.A. crank

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

From: Edward Brooks <>
To: "'Peter Naiman'" <>, "'kim klakow'" <>, "'Mark Bulgier'" <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]$7k Hetchins - Now rare T.A. crank
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 07:26:13 -0600
Organization: Edward Roberts International
Thread-Index: AccCbvfGq+nsvYlZQ4iWzyFwSzmuhwAAHtRA
In-Reply-To: <>

If indeed the hubs are Cinelli Bivalent (can't really tell from the limited images) that definitely adds some value although the starting price still looks to be ridiculously high. The seller describes the frame size as "L". Perhaps with some dialogue from any interested potential purchasers the seller might be convinced to provide greater image and description detail as well as possibly adjust the price to a level more in keeping with reality and likely to incite participation in the auction?

Edward Robert Brooks Managing Director Edward Roberts International Auctioneers of the Fine and Rare 1262 West Winwood Drive Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 Phone- 847.295.8696 Facsimile- 847.295.8697 Email- Website- -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Peter Naiman Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 7:17 AM To: kim klakow; Mark Bulgier;; Subject: Re: [CR]$7k Hetchins - Now rare T.A. crank

Mark; It may be a Magnum Opus, but worth is way overstated and if lucky the seller as you say might realize about 40% to 50% of the starting bid.

Best regards, Peter Naiman Glendale, WI

kim klakow <> wrote:<blah>

Considering the crank is the very rare "semi-cottered" T.A. ('Cottered'crank-Rebour.jpg) and the Mafacs are also not too widely sown, this bike might be worth half of the staring price.

Best, kim

-- Kim Klakow

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