RE: [CR]JB repainted Sachs received

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

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From: "devotion finesse" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]JB repainted Sachs received
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 20:32:45 -0500

Jerry, What's with the all the talk? We want PICTURES! Matthew Bowne Brooklyn, New York

>From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
>Subject: [CR]JB repainted Sachs received Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 17:21:02
>-0800 (PST)
>I've now received the classic (early 80's probably) Richard Sachs frame
>that I bought on eBay and send direct to Joe Bell for restoration. Mindful
>of the curse of discussing the purchases of a great classic bikes too much
>before actually receiving them, I've not mentioned this bike for a few
> Joe and I decided to paint it Lt Metallic Green, not only because that
>was a very popular color at the time, but also because it worked well with
>the old style yellow and black Sachs decals Joe would apply. The result is
>stunning, with lug windows perfectly accented in yellow by Joe. Design and
>construction by Richard Sachs and paint by Joe Bell - it just doesn't get
>any better than this. I think the collaboration of Richard and Joe has
>been so magical because both have an instinctive sense of how to make an
>item stunning without making it gaudy. Clean, elegant, sliightly
>understated - just looks RIGHT.
> There has been some well deserved praise of Bruce Gordon here the last
>couple of days. I'd like to add to that my expression of appreciation for
>two other currently practicing geniuses, Richard and Joe.
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, Texas