BLOODY BEAUTIFULL HETCHINS, WOW!! if I had deep pockets and nine big ones buring a hole in them I would hit he Buy it NOW button, EYE CANDY collectors now is your chance, BUY IT if you can, How many are left in this condition? who cares about the equipment, if its period correct or not? when I was buying and building bikes we always up graded as soon as possible and put on the bke what WE wanted and thought was best, never worried if it was period correct ot not, it was OUR bike to do as we wanted with, RIGHT, Sheldon Brown! Mad Dog paid $$$$ for a Schwin Para, is he pleased with what he got, HE got it and is VERY HAPPY, Once in a life time chances are few and far between, take it up a notch, go for the gold, Cheers John Crump OldshalowpocketsBrit, Parker Co USA