What we need to do is redirect some of this money chasing exclusiveness
to our world of classic bicycles. It must be subtle. When someone a sks about friction downtube shifters tell them it's a lot like double- clutching a sportscar gearbox without synchros: terribly difficult, re quires years to learn, but intensely rewarding once you've mastered it . When he begs you to teach him tell him it simply isn't worth the time and effort and will irritate both of you. When they ask where to get a bike like yours tell them that it takes years of experience bef ore they will be tapped for permission to apply for membership into th e secret fraternity of vintage bike ownership. Also tell them that i t is rumored that there have been some who have hastened the process b y ordering custom built lugged steel bikes from a KOF builders, but yo u didn't hear that from me.
Michael Kahrl Columbus, Ohio
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