I guess i have to consider myself lucky that I can call mr. van der Kaay (owner and framebuilder of RIH Sport in Amsterdam) anytime when wanting info (for myself or one of the CR listmembers) re. a frame that he or the Bustraan brothers built. He's always willing to find out, if it's an old frame he has to go up to the attic of the shop to leaf through some old books (and for that he has to find some time), if it's a newer one, he just has to reach under the counter for the records. He's near 70 years of age now, and still enjoys that kind of thing. Especially if I mention the info is for an American enthusiast!
Freek (usually unlucky with other frames!) Faro Rotterdam Netherlands
2006/12/20, Bruce Gordon <bgcycles@svn.net>:
> I agree that that type of automation would be great.
> I would welcome anyone who wants to come to my shop and do it. I could
> set
> you up with a workstation, computer, and 30 years of dusty boxes of spec
> sheets, order forms, and invoices. I'm a serious pack rat, so I have
> everything.
> Unfortunately there is no $$$ to pay for someone to do it, and I have to
> do
> current work to pay January's rent.
> I'm not being sarcastic, I'm serious!
> Regards,
> Bruce Gordon
> Bruce Gordon Cycles
> http://www.bgcycles.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org
> [mailto:classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org] On Behalf Of Watts, Gary J
> (Vancouver, WA USA)
> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 6:59 AM
> Subject: RE: [CR]Asking for information from Bruce and other builders
> """""I understand the time usage and how it can be a black hole compared
> to
> revenue generating activities. Perhaps adding some simple automation in
> terms of a database would be useful.
> Tom Anderson Guitars has a super nifty serial number search function on
> their webpage. You enter the serial number and it gives you all the
> build informaton for the guitar plus who was the original dealer. The
> work is getting the information into the database to start with and take
> it from there. Not very retro grouch but a good way to preserve
> information for the future.
> http://www.andersonguitars.com/
> Gary Watts
> Vancouver, WA
> USA"""""""