Except, didn't someone here post photos of a new, but classic-type, lugged steel Eisentraut? So is Albert still willing to build a KOF frame if a customer requests and pays for it? BTW, does Albert still do a lot of building himself? I believe Albert is quite a bit older than the leading builders on this list.
Jerry Moos Big Spring, Texas
Philcycles@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 12/20/06 4:28:43 AM, freitas1@pacbell.net writes:
>Remember for us its a hobby (most of us anyway) for them its a
>living .When you are at work ,how much are you willing to do for free?
Bruce and Albert have made thousands of bikes and don't have big office
staff. Every one of those requests takes valuable frame building time. Plus Albert
lives very much in the present and doesn't have a lot of interest in 30 year
old bikes.
Phil Brown
San Rafael, Calif.