Re: [CR]Season Greetings etc. & Suck it up!

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

From: "Mike Schmidt" <>
To:, 'Peter Brown' <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Season Greetings etc. & Suck it up!
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:55:19 -0500

=0D =0D Doug, Peter, Hilary et al accross the pond: =0D ATMO, youse guys need to thicken up your skin and stop sweating about th e small stuff. And believe me, its all small stuff! =0D On another topic, Taliah Lempert's part at NYC Velo in the East Village was fun. Bike works sprang for the wine and cheese and in all, about 50 people were there. Ran into Dave Perry, Steve Klein and Matty Bown e. Far different crowd too. I had an opportunity to meet some f olks from recycle a bicycle. An interesting not for profit prog ram that gets kids into bikes and bicycle riding. Taliah who presente d at Cirque in 2005, is getting into abstracts using bicycles and it was in teresting talking to her about what she was thinking at the time she was cr eating the painting. It would be interesting to see what she can do w ith a french cyclotourist bicycle. I also took some photos of the eve nt and will post on my wool jersey site.

Mike Schmidt

New York, NY


On Thu Dec 21 9:14 , "Peter Brown" sent:


Dear Doug>>

> As this is the last time I will be contributing to t

> take this opportunity to wish all those folks whom I

> over the past years a Happy Christmas and the Best W

> Year.


> I no longer wish to continue posting in the future d

> unjustified behaviour towards my integerity . It was

> order to criticise and ridicule me as they did openl

> I shall continue to log in and read the daily messag

> touch with those people whom I've communicated with

> hav'nt taken this decision lightly but have no regre


> Best wishes

> Doug Smith

> North Dorset

> SP8 4LJ

> UK

