I'm in process of setting up a Procycle made 1981Peugeot Super Sport as a winter fixed gear using 700c x 38 Continental touring tires with PlanetBike plastic fenders. Plenty of clearance unless the fenders get packed with ice and snow.
It was a $15 find, pretty much UO8 orRaleigh Grand Prix level but with cruder lugs, carbolite tube, 27 x 1 1/4" steel Rigida rims on Maillard high flange hubs, Peugeot branded Weinmann 750 front and 610 rear centrepulls, low end Peugeot branded Simplex steel derailleurs, downtube friction shifters and BSC threading with Peugeot branded Sakae crank with swaged large chainring.
The Weinmann brake is remaining on the front with the pads lowered to the bottom of the slots other than that everything else on the frame has been replaced, with suitably ugly stuff from the parts boxes.
In this part of the world derailleurs tend to get disabled by freezing in the winter, sand and slush eats away rim braking surfaces and freeze/thaw combined with road salt rot will claim a frame in one or two seasons.
This is probably is as close as I can get to riding a classic lightweight in the winter, while still having a clear conscience.
Marcus Coles
London, Ontario, Canada.