Re: [CR]E-bay, Christmas, and Classic French Components

(Example: Bike Shops)

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 19:58:41 -0800
From: "Jay Sexton" <>
To: Mark Buswell <>
Subject: Re: [CR]E-bay, Christmas, and Classic French Components
References: <> <> <>
In-Reply-To: <>

There is a list member, forget who, that always makes it clear in his for sale postings that he will wait 24 hours (or some time frame) before replying to requests. At least everyone had a fair chance with his method.

The reality is that most list folks want to get rid of stuff quickly once they decide to sell, so it's into the shark tank.

Jay Sexton Sebastopol, CA

Mark Buswell wrote:
> How would you even be able to do ("...take into consideration the
> digest folks who get their C.R.'s in lump form") that if you wanted to?
> Mark Buswell
> San Francisco, CA
> United States
> On Dec 22, 2006, at 7:21 PM, Jay Sexton wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> If you do decide to offer your parts stash to the list, may I suggest
>> that you take into consideration the digest folks who get their
>> C.R.'s in lump form? Often parts are sold before the digest folks
>> even get the for sale posts.
>> Thanks.
>> Jay Sexton
>> Sebastopol, CA
>> Chris,
>> Considering the season, why not price the items fairly and offer the
>> stuff to the CR listmembers before selling the stuff on eBay? Just a
>> thought.
>> Brian Baylis
>> La Mesa, CA
>> Personally, the only stuff I would sell on eBay are drumsets and such.
>> When I have something to sell to bike people I like to sell it to the
>> good people on the list for an established and fair price.
>> -- Chris Kulczycki <> wrote:
>> Since this list seems to be populated by e-bay experts, it seems the
>> logical place to ask. I have a big box of on-topic components and bits
>> that I'll probably never use. Is the holiday season a good time for E-
>> bay sales? Do bored CR types off from work wile away their holidays
>> driving up e-bay prices, or is everyone out of town.
>> Also, is it just me,or do prices for French components seem to be
>> rising?
>> Have a merry......
>> Chris
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